Have you always wanted to connect with your Galactic Guides?
Do you want to add awesome galactic healing modalities to your healing toolbox?
Do you feel a pull to work with our galactic family as a galactic ambassador, galactic healer or galactic teacher?
If so...The Galactic Shaman Program may be for you!
What is a Galactic Shaman?
• Galactic Shamans are on the Earth to connect the galactic energies with the Earth energies to create a beautiful synergy for healing.
• They act as Galactic Ambassadors to our star family.
• They have worked and practised their intuition, and extrasensory abilities and use these to communicate and learn from extra-dimensional beings, including Galactic Beings.
• Many are starseeds that have had past lives on other planets, in other star systems and other dimensions
• The Galactic Shaman is often a channel for energy, communication and wisdom.
• This often comes in the form of energy, light language, codes, sounds, colours, geometric symbols as well as telepathic communication.