Galactic Shaman Program

What is the Galactic Shaman Program?

Have you always wanted to connect with your Galactic Guides?

Do you want to add awesome galactic healing modalities to your healing toolbox?

Do you feel a pull to work with our galactic family as a galactic ambassador, galactic healer or galactic teacher?

If so...The Galactic Shaman Program may be for you!

What is a Galactic Shaman?

• Galactic Shamans are on the Earth to connect the galactic energies with the Earth energies to create a beautiful synergy for healing.

• They act as Galactic Ambassadors to our star family.

• They have worked and practised their intuition, and extrasensory abilities and use these to communicate and learn from extra-dimensional beings, including Galactic Beings.

• Many are starseeds that have had past lives on other planets, in other star systems and other dimensions

• The Galactic Shaman is often a channel for energy, communication and wisdom.

• This often comes in the form of energy, light language, codes, sounds, colours, geometric symbols as well as telepathic communication.

Galactic Shaman Program
Introduction to the Galactic Shaman Program

In this free workshop, you will be given an overview of the program and a description of what it will entail. It will enable you to ask questions about the program and what to expect.

AUGUST 8, 2024

(1 hours)

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Galactic Shaman
1 Year Program

In this class you will learn: 

• The role of the Galactic Shaman 

• Galactic History 

• Galactic Beings and the Galactic Federation 

• An extended version of the chakra and energy system 

• Channeling Basics 

• Energy Management and Daily Rituals for boosting your frequency and intuition 

• Getting to know your Galactic Team and lineage 

• Crystal healing 

• Sacred Geometry and Astral travel 

• There will also be journey work to ET Ships and other worlds

Galactic Healing Modalities included:

• Aqualead Level 1, 2 and Masters-An Andromedan energy healing modality that heals the water in us and the environment. 

• Nokti A Pleiadian energy healing modality that reprograms the cytoplasm in the cells to release the vibration of trauma and grief. 

• NiGaera (Sirian Healing for Shadow Work) A Sirian energy modality that supports shadow work. 

• Etheric Surgery and Healing Modality from the Acturians. Etheric surgery heals to make changes to the etheric layer that helps to support physical healing. 

• Venusian healing techniques

(A year in duration)

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